Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Signature Pads

Have they completely lost their minds??? They are saying we have budget problems, blah blah, blah. Now let's get "signature pads" at each "circulation terminal". What do you think that is costing, and could it even be necessary??? Just another piece of equipment to break and need tending to. Does anyone else out there think this is a terrible idea???

Signature Pads!!!!!

We will be implementing a new module for Millennium that will permit us to add a patron’s signature to their record. Each circulation terminal will have a signature pad. When the patron completes an application and the record is entered in Millennium, the patron will enter his signature on the pad and a digital image of the signature will be stored in his record. With this feature, it will no longer be necessary to type the labels for the applications and store the application digitally.